
Uslung Flea Market in Jinju (어슬렁마켓)

Uslung Market is a flea market held every second and fourth Saturday. As the name Uslung(어슬렁) implies, which means to stroll around, the flea market is a good place to lay back and take a walk on a Saturday afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee at a cafe nearby.

• When: Every 2nd and 4th Saturday (1-6PM)
               (The time is flexible each season)
• Where: Jinju Garosu-gil (in front of Jinju Educational Office)

P.S. If you want to be a seller for yourself, you have to sign up in advance through e-mail. (jinju_uslung@naver.com)

Pic.1,2,5 http://blog.naver.com/japan9024/220343890257
Pic. 3,4,6 https://www.facebook.com/jinju.uslung

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