
Selma at Jinju Media Center (진주 미디어센터)

I finally watched it yesterday!

I first heard about the movie when I was listening to Power English on the radio. The teacher in the program mentioned the movie while she was explaining a current issue of America -- racism.

I guess the reason why the movie was produced this time around is indeed to tell people about human equality. I read American news articles often for language learning purposes. Come to think of it, I've read countless articles about racism, inequality among different colors, or restless violence of white police officers against black people. These constant reports may indicate that racisim is still going on even after an African-American was elected as the President.

This movie, I believe, will commemorate the spirits and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King and help all of us in the world to think about the importance of human equality regardless of colors, sex, ethnicity, etc.

P.S. Jinju Media Center shows independent movies regularly. You can book online or at the box office there. (I usually just go without making a reservation because there are always many seats available and online booking costs you a commission.)

[Further information]
http://cafe.daum.net/imjinju  (provided in Korean only)

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