
Jinju (NO Jeonju) bibimbap (진주 비빔밥)

Well, Jeonju(전주) is well-known for bibimbap in Korea, but Jinju also has a different kind of bibimbap. When people from other cities hear about Jinju bibimbap, they ask back "Is there such a thing in Jinju?" Then the question gets on my nerves. It's like hometown pride.

Jinju bibimbap is special in that raw beef is topped on rice. There's a long history about why Jinjuities started to add raw beef to bibimbap. If I'm not mistaken, the origin has to do with the Imjin War. Another characteristic is that vegetables are usually seasoned after parboiled rather than fried, which is more common in Jeonju bibimbap. In addition, the vegetables are usually chopped in the size of a bite.

Anyway, then do local people really go to eat Jinju bibimbap? Perhaps nah. Most of the customers are tourists. This isn't because it's not tasty but because it's kind of small dish for the price. (₩8,000~) However, as a visitor, raw beef bibimbap will be a unique cuisine that you can taste in Jinju.

Here are a few restaurants that are well-known for bibimbap.

Jinju yukwoi bibimbap at Seolya (설야)
- 제일식당 
- 천황식당 
- 망경식육식당
- 하연옥
- 갑을가든
- 설야 

Museums and Art Galleries in Jinju (updating)

1. Jinju National Museum (국립진주박물관)

2. Jinju Bronze Age Museum (진주 청동기문화 박물관)

3. Land and Housing Museum (토지주택 박물관)
개관시간 : 10:00 ~ 17:00
휴관안내 :
매주 일요일, 공휴일, 10월 1일(창사기념일),
5월 1일(근로자의 날)
관람료 : 무료
[주소] 경상남도 진주시 충의로 19
[노선]내리실 정류장명: LH본사/LH4단지ㆍ110번 : 진주역 → LH본사 → 시청 → 연암공대ㆍ111번 : 연암공대 → 시청 → LH본사 → 진주역ㆍ152번 : 초전동차고지 → LH본사 → 진주역 → 경상대학교ㆍ296번 : 진양호삼거리 → 시청 → LH본사 → 진주노인요양병원

4. GNU Museum (경상대 박물관)

5. Jinju Water Museum (진주 물문화관)

쉬는날: 매주 월요일, 1월 1일, 설/추석 연휴, 기타 물문화관 운영상 사정에 의한 휴관

이용요금: 무료
Address: 경상남도 진주시 내동면 삼계로 455-46

Art Galleries
1. Gyeongnam Culture and Arts Center (경남문화예술회관)

2. Jinju Municipal Lee Seongja Gallery (진주시립 이성자미술관)

3. Jinju Gallery (진주미술관)
Address: 경남 진주시 명석면 관지리 신촌 466-3번지 [진주 미술관 누룽지백숙 작은동물원] 

4. Kkotgol Art Gallery (꽃골아트갤러리)
Address: 경상남도 진주시 정촌면 화개리 968

5. Jinju Garosu-gil (진주 가로수길)

6. Insadong Antique Street (인사동골동품거리)